// netget/src/modules/NetGetX/config/x_StateAndConfig.js
import { getConfig } from './getConfig.js';
* Displays a comparison table of the xConfig and the current state.
* @param {Object} stateX - The current state to compare with the xConfig.
* @returns {Promise<void>} - A promise that resolves when the comparison is complete.
* @category NetGetX
* @subcategory Config
* @module x_StateAndConfig
async function displayStateAndConfig(stateX) {
let x = await getConfig();
console.log('Comparison xConfig and Actual State:');
const combinedData = [];
const keys = new Set([...Object.keys(x), ...Object.keys(stateX)]);
keys.forEach((key) => {
const isEqual = x[key] === stateX[key] ? '✓' : '✗';
'xConfig Key': key,
'xConfig Value': x[key],
'xState Key': key,
'xState Value': stateX[key],
'Match': isEqual
export default displayStateAndConfig;