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[Project Status : Experimental and Under Development, Subject to Major Changes]

The module is in active development, and as such, it is subject to significant changes as we refine our approach and methodologies to best support our goals.

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This project consists of two npm packages, this.be and be.this, designed to empower users in defining, managing, and utilizing personal data and backend functionalities effectively.

this.be: The State Guardian

It represents the heart of your application, maintaining a global state or context. Every time there's a change, or when specific events occur, "this.be" takes note and acts as the guardian of that state, ensuring that it's accessible and known.

be.this: The State Enforcer

This module is the action-taker, adjusting and reconfiguring based on the state preserved by "this.be". Think of it as a troubleshooter or a healer; it watches the state and acts when things aren't in harmony with it. To conceptualize this in code:

be.this - The Orchestrator of State Adjustments

Dependency Injection: By receiving an instance of this.be during its instantiation, be.this exemplifies the principle of Dependency Injection. This not only promotes modularity but also paves the way for better testing strategies since one can easily inject a mock or stub of this.be for testing purposes. Command Pattern: The adjustStateBasedOnInput method leverages the Command Pattern. Instructions like 'ADD' or 'REMOVE' serve as commands, enabling a clear and extensible interface to adjust the state in various ways. As the application grows, new commands can be added without modifying existing code, adhering to the Open-Closed Principle. Clear Error Handling: A default case within the switch statement ensures that unrecognized instructions are promptly addressed, aiding in debugging and ensuring that the application doesn't silently fail.

The Synergy

Interoperability: Both modules are designed to work seamlessly with one another. be.this acts as an external actor, directing changes and updates to the state held within this.be. Decoupling: While they are meant to work together, the modules are decoupled. be.this doesn't have knowledge of the inner workings of this.be; it simply calls its public methods. This ensures that changes in one module don't necessitate changes in the other. Unified State Management: The combination of both modules offers a cohesive solution to state management. The separation of concerns - where this.be solely manages state and be.this orchestrates adjustments - enables a clear and maintainable approach to handling application state.

In summary, these modules, with their elegant designs, offer a blueprint for efficient state management, embodying key software design principles. They're primed for integration into larger ecosystems, serving as the backbone for robust application state handling.

About All.This

Modular Data Structures:

this.me - this.audio - this.text - this.wallet - this.img - this.pixel - be.this - this.DOM - this.env - this.GUI - this.be - this.video - this.atom - this.dictionaries

Each module in all.this represents a specific datastructure. These classes encapsulate the functionalities and data specific to their domain.


all.this not only aggregates these modules but also provides utilities to facilitate the integration, management, and enhancement of these data structures. For example:

The integration with cleaker ensures each module instance has a unique cryptographic identity, enhancing security and data integrity.

Neurons.me Ecosystem Glossary:

visit: Neurons.me Glossary

License & Policies

  • License: MIT License (see LICENSE for details).

  • Privacy Policy: Respects user privacy; no collection/storage of personal data.

  • Terms of Usage: Use responsibly. No guarantees/warranties provided. Terms | Privacy

    Learn more at https://neurons.me

    Author: SuiGn

    By neurons.me

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