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DID Me Art Cleak Me Please # THIS.ME

[Project Status : Experimental and Under Development, Subject to Major Changes]

The module is in active development, and as such, it is subject to significant changes as we refine our approach and methodologies to best support our goals. visit: https://neurons.me to learn more.


This.Me is a class focused on encapsulating user identity, specifically crafted to facilitate the creation of instances ready for hashing and cryptographic signature generation. It opens the door to coding and decoding through "me" signatures, offering a modular framework that prioritizes privacy and integrity in application-wide identity management.

Hello, I am .lisa ? Who are you? (Use arrow keys) ❯ add.me

  1. Install this.me: Open your terminal and run the following command to install the this.me package:

    npm install this.me
  2. Import Me in Your Project: In the JavaScript file where you want to use this.me, import the Me class.

    import Me from 'this.me';
  3. Create an Instance of Me: Instantiate the Me class with the required user details.

    const user = new Me('John', 'Doe', '1990-01-01', 'password123', '1234');
  4. Validate and Use the Instance: Utilize the instance for user data validation and preparation for cryptographic actions.

    try {
        const identity = user.getMe();
        // Ready for hashing and cryptographic signatures
    } catch (error) {
        // Error handling for missing fields

This quick start guide provides a straightforward path to incorporating this.me into your project, enabling you to manage user identities and prepare them for secure cryptographic processes efficiently.

About All.This

Modular Data Structures:

this.me - this.audio - this.text - this.wallet - this.img - this.pixel - be.this - this.DOM - this.env - this.GUI - this.be - this.video - this.atom - this.dictionaries

Each module in all.this represents a specific datastructure. These classes encapsulate the functionalities and data specific to their domain.


all.this not only aggregates these modules but also provides utilities to facilitate the integration, management, and enhancement of these data structures. For example:

The integration with cleaker ensures each module instance has a unique cryptographic identity, enhancing security and data integrity.

Neurons.me Ecosystem Glossary:

visit: Neurons.me Glossary

License & Policies

  • License: MIT License (see LICENSE for details).

  • Privacy Policy: Respects user privacy; no collection/storage of personal data.

  • Terms of Usage: Use responsibly. No guarantees/warranties provided. Terms | Privacy

    Learn more at https://neurons.me

    Author: SuiGn

    By neurons.me

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